Saturday, August 4, 2012

Book Review::Johann Sebastian Bach,

Johann Sebastian Bach
from the Series: Christian Encounters
By Rick Marschall
Thomas Nelson

As a Christian who happens to be a musician, it is always interesting to learn more about the Christian lives of composers and artists. However, as the author, Rick Marschall says, "It is not necessary to be a learned musician, nor a Bible scholar, to discover the man Bach, the servant of God, in these pages."

The book begins with a snapshot of the world at the time of Bach's childhood and his early career. He grew up in " The Age of Enlightenment," when the world was just beginning to open itself to other cultures and ideas., in an effort to gain knowledge and advance society.

Bach's career develops and grows as he matures. He became the choirmaster at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig. There, it was his job to compose music for the year, with regard to the church calendar. From these compositions, we have many of the master works of J.S. Bach.

As a family man, Bach was extremely proud of all his children. Several accounts show his house as being a place bustling with children, students, and music. Several of his children grew up and established musical careers of their own.

More than any of his musical accomplishments, Bach believed himself to be a man called by God. All of the work and the composing he did was for the glory of God, as he wrote Soli Deo Gloria on many of his compositions.

For a wonderful, concise history of the faith and work of J.S. Bach, please give this a read!

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